a group of people sitting around a table

Explore our Programs

Programs Below

Designed for children with incarcerated parents, Beyond the Bars offers mentorship, support, and opportunities for family visits. The program fosters hope and connection, helping youth overcome challenges while building stronger family bonds.

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silhouette photo of people

Beyond the Bars Youth Program

a pile of money sitting on top of a wooden floor
a pile of money sitting on top of a wooden floor

Money Matters Kids Club

Money Matters Kids Club introduces financial literacy to schools, churches, and community groups. Through engaging and practical lessons, kids learn the value of saving, budgeting, and making smart financial decisions, setting them up for lifelong success.

Your Next Chapter

Empowering adults through financial literacy, the Chapter One Program helps participants build confidence in managing money, creating budgets, understanding credit, and planning for the future. This program lays the foundation for personal and financial growth.

man holding incandescent bulb
man holding incandescent bulb

Groundwork Re-Entry Program

The Groundwork Re-entry Program focuses on financial literacy and life skills for individuals currently or formerly incarcerated. The program equips participants with the tools they need to navigate financial systems, rebuild their lives, and successfully reintegrate into society.

This program completely changed my life. I never knew anything about financial literacy, I'm so blessed to have met Common Ground family.


Enroll Today

Ready to take control of your financial future? Enroll in our Financial Literacy Program today!